Life Coach & Mentor
I love taking other strong-willed women (of all ages!) under my wings and encouraging them to give themselves permission to want what they want without shame or guilt, build the belief that it's possible, & go all-in making it happen through intentional & purposeful action
⚠️ Warning: Combine my infectious belief in you with my decades in project management and you can't help but take courageous action towards living YOUR Fuck Yeah Life so buckle up! ⚠️

I'm Jen Vertanen

Hey hey!

FREE Guide

Truly…who are you?

What makes you tick?

What makes you come alive?

What makes you peeyourpants with laughter?

What makes you holy rage?

What do you run towards?

What makes you run away?

What will they say when you pass away?

What are your favorite memories?

How does someone feel in your presence?

What do you want people to most know?

What is the thing that only you can do?

What dreams do you have and will they come true?

What makes you weep?

What makes you smile from the inside out?

What are your weak spots?

Your not-so-guilty pleasures?

What trait embarrasses you?

If your heart were a painting, what style would it be?

What are your paradoxes and dichotomies?

What hills are you willing to die on?

What is 80-yo you most looking forward to?

Where does shame hide deep inside?

What recharges your energy?

What scares the bejeebus out of you?

What traits do your fave people share?

What are you doing when all your senses are delightfully engaged?

You are a gloriously, magnificent creature; there is only one you.

Self-awareness is sexy. Remember that. Also? You’re never too old to step into your most you-ness. Old is the new young. It’s a whole vibe.

Need some help? My clients LOVE creating their Most You-ness Pinterest boards. Here’s mine for example. Create your own board and then go live your PleasureFULL ™ life.

You are worthy. You matter too. It’s ok to put yourself first for a SELFISH hot minute.

Love, Me

Who Are You In Your Most You-ness?

jen v. xo

Hey there! I'm Jen

I'm a magical mix of coach, perspective-shifting mentor, hair-holder, consultant, wing woman, get shit done'r, silver lining finder, & slightly annoying cheerleader

I used to roll my eyes at the notion of self love and loving my life because it felt so far outside the realm of possibilities when I'd spent decades...not.

But a perfect storm (my Never. Fucking. Again. moments) in 2015 had me wake TF up and heal my childhood ish. Along the way, I started to not only love but LIKE myself and I stopped wanting to escape from my life and instead, intentionally create my exciting future. That's saying a lot when you read my stories!

And now? Living my Fuck Yeah Life looks like helping women all around the world fall in love with themselves & their lives, and create the future THEY want while living & loving the hell out of myself and my life.

How cool is that?!?

© 2024 Jen Vertanen & A Fuck Yeah Life