How-To Live Your Best Damn Life

The future is literally a blank slate waiting to be written by you.  And here’s a universal truth ==> You can’t do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. It’s simply 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 possible 👏🏼. You can’t go through the motions day in and day out and expect that magically, […]

7 Tips for How to Plan Your Life for the Future & Put Yourself First

Who Do You WANT To Be?

Life Design Coach Jen Vertanen looking skeptically with a pink circle and the words Plan For Your Future


“Just be yourself.” How many times have you heard this super annoying phrase uttered while growing up…in your career…from well-meaning people who had no idea what the hell was going on in that dick brain of yours? That’s all cool but no one taught us HOW to just be yourself. And if you’re anything like […]

How to Really Be Yourself and Not Apologize For It

Who Do You WANT To Be?

A very colorful and relaxed older woman smoking a cigar with her knee propped up and a blue circle with the words How To Really Be Yourself


A few weekends ago, I decided to clean up old notebooks (my ADHD brain has me using multiple notebooks to store ideas which is…fun…), and I came across this gem from a decade ago. I remember it perfectly. I had enrolled in one of the gazillion courses I’ve signed up for through the years and […]

A Love Letter of Sorts…Becoming the After Faster

Love Your Damn Self

A bunch of stick figures on a piece of paper trying to illustrate how Life Design Coach Jen Vertanen felt before and after her transformation. There's an orange circle with the words Becoming The After Faster


It’s a simple fact that none of us – NO ONE – makes it through life without carrying some form of emotional baggage + wounds. An article by Mayo Clinic points out, “Life does not exclude any of us from bearing some degree of heartache, loss, and suffering. But, if we carry each one of these scars with […]

6 Ways to Deal with Your Emotional Baggage and Live the Life You Really Want

How-To Live Your Best Damn Life

A woman standing in front of a corn field. You can't see her face because she's struggling to carry three suitcases. There's a yellow circle with the words Deal With Your Emotional Baggage


Start with Desire; How Do I Want to Feel? Start with Desire is the first S in the The SELF Approach™ and a client favorite. I mean…who doesn’t want to live a life led by desire and possibility? Yes – even in midlife! Especially in midlife? I’m going with it. One of the tools we use […]

5 Actionable Steps for Unlocking Your Core Desired Feelings


A beautiful older woman in sunglasses and a hat carrying a cup of a coffee and a blue circle with the words What Are Your Core Desired Feelings?


Does any of this resonate with you? ✨ She makes herself a priority in her own damn life. She’s done dicking around when it comes to her happiness + satisfaction. Life is short and she doesn’t have time for anyone who thinks it’s selfish to put yourself first sometimes. ✨ She’s kind, compassionate, generous and […]

Are You a No BS Woman?

How-To Live Your Best Damn Life

A very colorful older woman flipping off the camera against an orange background with a pink circle and the words Are You A No BS Woman?


The best way to prepare for death is to live life to its fullest. ~ John Bytheway No matter what’s transpired in your past or how old you are… ⋙ What does it mean to live your best life? ⋙ How do you ensure you live your life with purpose and intention? ⋙ What does […]

How to Live Your Best Life: A Proven 4-Step Framework for Faster Success

Love Your Damn Self

How to live your best life with Life & Get Shit Done Coach Jen Vertanen


“I believe the second half of one’s life is meant to be better than the first half. The first half is finding out how you do it. And the second half is enjoying it.” ~ Frances Lear You’ve done everything “right”. You’ve checked the boxes, raised the kids, climbed the ladder, thrown the best birthday […]

How Are You Making the 2nd Half Even Better Than the 1st?

Who Do You WANT To Be?

2 funny older women flashing a highway below them with a yellow circle and the words Making The Second Half Even Better Than The First


Truly…who are you? What makes you tick? What makes you come alive? What makes you peeyourpants with laughter? What makes you holy rage? What do you run towards? What makes you run away? What will they say when you pass away? What are your favorite memories? How does someone feel in your presence? What do […]

Who Are You In Your Most You-ness?

Who Do You WANT To Be?

A funny older woman shaking her finger with a blue bubble and the words Who Are You In Your Most You-ness?


How imperfect can you allow yourself to be? How would it feel to strive not for perfection, but IMPERFECTION? What if being as imperfect as possible was the very key to unlocking our greatest, badassest selves? What becomes possible when we allow ourselves to show up as the most imperfect versions of ourselves? Why would […]

What If Our Goal Was To Be As Imperfectly Perfect As Possible?

Love Your Damn Self

4 gorgeous older women wearing funky sunglasses with an orange circle and the words Be As Imperfectly Perfect As Possible