I'm your pink-haired, unapologetically sweary, no B.S. "Best Damn Life" Coach & Consultant. I brainwash brilliant Difference Makers and Cycle Breakers into deeply loving & believing in themselves and their ability to do anything they set their minds to SO MUCH SO that taking bold & courageous action almost takes itself. With my guidance & 30+ years experience helping others make epic shit happen, you can't help but do the same!

I'm Jen Vertanen

Hey hey!

2 funny older women flashing a highway below them with a yellow circle and the words Making The Second Half Even Better Than The First

Midlife, How-To Live Your Best Damn Life, Who Do You WANT To Be?

How Are You Making the 2nd Half Even Better Than the 1st?

I believe the second half of one’s life is meant to be better than the first half. The first half is finding out how you do it. And the second half is enjoying it.

~ Frances Lear

You’ve done everything “right”. You’ve checked the boxes, raised the kids, climbed the ladder, thrown the best birthday parties, traveled, support your friends through life, loved your partner, etc.

And yet…you’re left feeling there’s got to be more.

And you feel kind of guilty for feeling like what you have isn’t enough but…that might be the very thought that’s holding you back.

What if life isn’t about checking the boxes…at all?

What if life is meant to be fuller and richer? What if there IS more waiting for you to decide there’s more?

Do you go after it with the gusto of an overly confident, mediocre white dude? Do you ignore the yearnings and keep plugging away wondering if this is all there ever really is?

What inspires you into action? Is it the loss of a parent or watching a friend recover from a heart attack? A divorce? An affair? A random Tuesday in the middle of winter when it’s grey and dreary outside?

What if you make a powerful decision today that your second half is going to be even better than your first?

What then? What becomes possible in your world when you decide?

Let’s do this; I’m here if you need help cutting through the noise and clutter in your brain.

Your Best Damn Life ~ Dreams are cute. Action is revolutionary. You're not here to be cute.

A no B.S. blend of expert interviews, mini ass-kicking action plans, and raw behind-the-scenes stories from my boldest clients' transformations all wrapped up in our shared mission to make achieving your best damn life as simple, powerful, and fun as possible

From dream-chasing to cycle breaking, we're here to turn your "somedays" into "Fuck yeah, I did!" Subscribe now and get ready to live your best damn life unapologetically


© 2025 Jen Vertanen Break cycles. Build your legacy. Be the revolution.

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  of Living Your Best Damn Life!