Your someday isn't coming until YOU decide it is
You feel it in your bones. That pull, that restlessness, that nagging voice whispering (or maybe screaming), “You were made for MORE.”
But instead of charging forward, you’re stuck in your head—overthinking, second-guessing, and waiting for some mystical perfect moment that never seems to arrive.
So that's where we start.
Instead of asking, “What should I do next?” ask, “If Future Me already had everything I want, what would she have done first?”
say less. I'm all in & ready for what's next
You’ve finally made that bold decision you’ve been putting off for years
You’ve taken real, tangible action toward your career, business, or personal goals
You’ve stopped the cycle of ‘starting over’ and built unstoppable momentum
You’ve created a clear roadmap for where you’re going next—and you’re actually following through
You’ve learned how to trust yourself so you NEVER get stuck like this again
What does YOUR more look like?
Starting a non-profit that impacts your community and positions you as a leader who can help shape a better one for all?
Writing a book that you know will change lives?
Launching your business that not only changes your life but the lives of others?
Reinventing yourself after that dumpster fire of a divorce?
Creating a foundation that provides a leg up for others whose work is so needed in the world?
Mentoring single-mothers because you once were one and know how damn hard and lonely it can be?
Holding babies in the NICU so the parents can get a break?
Organizing volunteer opportunities for others that also helps provide connection in your community because loneliness is killing us?
Big. Seemingly small. It all matters.
WHO you become in the process? Icing on the whole god damn cake
You can’t create the more you crave—the fulfillment, the excitement, the impact—if you don’t have a clear vision of what it looks like.
Vision isn’t some fluffy, “wouldn’t it be nice” exercise—it’s your North Star and we go deep into not just what you want next but...what you want for your life.
It gives you the clarity to cut through the noise, the direction to stay on course, and the purpose that makes taking bold action damn near inevitable.
When your vision is clear, every move you make builds momentum toward the life you KNOW you’re meant for.
You don’t get what you want—you get who you are.
Before anything changes, you have to choose to BE the person who has your own back always.
No more playing safe. No more waiting for clarity. YOU decide who you’re becoming, and then you show up as that person. NOW.
You will NEVER feel ready. That’s the lie that’s kept you stuck.
The only way to build confidence, clarity, and momentum is to take action before you feel 100% certain.
We’ll rewire your fear of failure, perfectionism, and hesitation—so you can start making bold moves with confidence.
You’re not just here to change your own life—you’re here to create ripples.
What you do now doesn’t just affect you; it affects everyone around you.
Using your vision and working backwards, you eliminate the fear of failure—because you’re just following the blueprint Future You has already laid out.
1:1 Coaching Calls – 3x/month we meet to dive deep using the principles in Be. Dare. Create. so you can bust through what’s keeping you stuck and take immediate action because that's where you gain the clarity & confidence to keep going
Me In Your Back Pocket Support – Because breakthroughs and fears don’t just happen during scheduled calls. You’ll have direct access to me for real-time coaching so you never feel alone or unsure about your next step
Your Own OOAK Action Plan – No cookie-cutter strategies. We’ll build a plan that’s bold, aligned, and designed to get you moving FAST by working backwards from your ultimate vision
Custom tools to help you rewire your thinking and step into bold action so you can finally break free from limiting beliefs and patterns that keep you doubting yourself
Momentum Challenges – Small, high-impact dares designed to push you out of your comfort zone and into confidence so you can prove to yourself that you're capable of way more than you think
Payment plans available; Pay in full for an extra 1:1 call to use whenever
(need a different payment plan? Let's talk!)
WHO will you be at the end of our 90-days and what is possible for that NEXT LEVEL version of you?
hell yeah, i'm ready enough!
More time feeling stuck, frustrated, and restless? Watching others take action while you stay in the same place? Losing momentum and confidence, making it even harder to start later?
I swear like a sailor. I don't have to but I love to and I'm not here to water myself down. I also have a snarky, irreverent sense of humor
WANT fresh perspectives and to play in the land of possibility and what-if i.e. you don't have all the answers and I don't have all the answers but together? We're pretty fucking powerful
Take action. Bold, decisive, holy action. I don't want to have the same convo week after week because that's a waste of both our time & your money
Are more committed to this than I am. I go ALL IN but I can't want this more than you do. I will fiercly hold your vision & belief in you but you gotta want it even more if this is going to work
Don't have to be a hooker with a heart of gold like me but you DO need to have a vision that creates long-term impacts
I swear like a sailor. I don't have to but I love to and I'm not here to water myself down. I also have a snarky, irreverent sense of humor
This isn’t just another “discovery call.” This is a bold, strategic move toward the MORE you know you’re meant for.
In this free 20 to 30-minute call, we’ll chat about...
- what your vision of MORE looks like (no more kinda sorta dreaming)
- what’s keeping you stuck and why “someday” never seems to arrive
- your next bold step so you can leave hesitation behind—for good
- what working together actually looks like and what you can expect from the process
If you’re ready to stop waiting and start creating, let’s do this. Your ‘Hell yeah, I'm doing this!’ is ready for you.
You’ve been sitting on your dreams for too damn long. Waiting for the perfect time, for more clarity, or for the fear to magically disappear and it' longer working for you. You're READY for gritty, determined action because what you want and need is no longer negotiable and that makes Project Be. Dare. Create. the perfect next step for you.
Let's do it. I'm ready to book my call & get started
(if you KNOW you're beyond all-in and ready enough to get started and want to bypass the call and just get to it, send me an email and we'll get you paid and scheduled and allthethings. I get it...I'm an action-taker too and when you know, you know)
I'd had this dream for at least a decade and I'd go in fits and starts but never really made any traction which was FRUSTRATING! Jen helped me remember who TF I am (the confident leader who makes big decisions and takes bold actions), figure out what kept holding me back (hi middle school memories), and supported me in making my ideas come to life. What I didn't expect is how much fun I'd have along the way with reminders that only I can give myself permission, that I get to create the rules, and that I get to make it as big or as small as I want. Jen is this weird, magical blend of cheerleader, strategic partner, and hooker with a heart of gold who knows how to serve up tough love wrapped in kindness. I don't know how she does it but it all just works, lol.
Jen has this magical way of putting you at ease immediately. I could open up to her, be vulnerable, share my heart, and she never judged me or told me I was silly or that if I'd wanted it bad enough, I would have made it happen already.
I'm used to making big things happen but I was tired of getting in my own way over and over again and I didn't understand why. Within one session with Jen, we knew exactly why and what to do about it.
Jen calls me on my shit but also holds my vision for me and belief in me when self-doubt creeps in. I wish I'd reached out sooner...
REAL people. Real transformations.
Your mission, if you choose to accept it?
Is to decide if you're ready enough.
If the answer is, 'YES', the next bold step is to give yourself permission to at least hop on a 'From Someday? To Hell Yeah' call so you can make a powerful, informed decision that is best for you and where you're headed in life.
I'm ready to make my vision of more a reality!