How-To Live Your Best Damn Life

Unfuckwithable. ✨ When you know yourself inside and out. ✨ You have your own back always. ✨ You take control of getting your needs met so you can stay an emotionally well and whole human being. ✨ Have nothing less than the right fucks to give. ✨ Not beating yourself up when you make a […]

Are You Unfuckwithable? 7 Ways To Know For Sure!

How-To Live Your Best Damn Life

Jen Vertanen, Life Design Coach, in black and white with a raspberry colored circle and the words Are You Unfuckwithable?


(* if you have concerns for your mental or physical health, please do reach out to a doctor or mental health professional for support) Restlessness. Do you haz it? The feeling that you want to move forward but you just can’t get out of your own way so you stay feeling stuck and it’s MADDENING?!?!? […]

Feeling Restless? It’s Time For Some Mother-Trucking ACTION!

How-To Live Your Best Damn Life

A delightful older lady smoking a cigar and wearing lots of colors with a blue circle and the words Feeling Restless? Get Into Action with Life Design Coach Jen Vertanen


I wasn’t always who I am today which is someone who has a super solid, loving relationship with themself and loves the shit out of her life even though nothing changed externally – same family, same job, etc. – because everything changed internally. I had “everything”…good career with a fat paycheck, well-rounded children, what looked […]

Wanting More From Your Life Doesn’t Make You Ungrateful

How-To Live Your Best Damn Life

A funny older woman with sunglasses and a large smile on her face with a blue circle with the words What "More" Are You Needing From Your Life with Life Design Coach Jen Vertanen


In a world that profits from our pain, I (and my clients) chose to live a wildly fulfilling life. What Is a Wildly Fulfilling Life? One that lights us up from the inside out. One that has us going to sleep each night eager to do it all over again tomorrow. One that feels as […]

Creating A Wildly Fulfilling Life

How-To Live Your Best Damn Life

4 older women wearing funny sunglasses and huge smiles with a hot pink circle and the words Live Your Wildly Fulfilling Life with Life Design Coach Jen Vertanen


Every moment of every day, you’re making a choice. You’re saying yes to something and no to something else. The question is…is what you’re saying yes to moving the needle towards your hopes and dreams…the vision of your best possible future self? Time To Get Real Spend a day or two being super, uber-intentional from […]

What Are You Saying Yes To?

How-To Live Your Best Damn Life

A slightly stern but funny older woman in a red dress with her pointer finger raised and a blue circle with the words What Are You Saying Yes To with Life Design Coach Jen Vertanen


The only way one can live a life full of fulfillment and deep contentment is to fully love oneself. ✨ The good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Warts and all. ✨ Even when you’ve been the asshole. ✨ Especially when you’ve acted out of integrity. And this is what scares people away from doing […]

Love the Person You Want to Be – Your Future Self

Who Do You WANT To Be?

An older woman in a swim suit standing on a beach with a giant flamingo floaty around her middles and an orange circle with the words Love The Person You Want to Become


If you have the time, space, and resources in your life, here are some ways you can start showing up for yourself and having your own back. Simple, not easy I said simple – not easy. But practice these (i.e. don’t set yourself up for failure thinking you’re going to knock this out of the […]

11 Simple Steps to Show Up for Yourself and Have Your Own Back

Love Your Damn Self

A beautiful midlife woman with brown hair in a blue hammock looking directly at the camera


Hello, dear fellow strong, independent, ambitious woman who mostly has her shit together…at least from everyone else’s perspective! I see you working so hard to keep it all together and be the best wife, mom, friend, sister, daughter, leader, auntie, employee, etc. that you possibly can. And I want to acknowledge it’s…a lot. (I know…) […]

Embrace Your Rebellious Journey to a Fulfilling Life

How-To Live Your Best Damn Life

A woman writing in a journal with the words a love letter to you


What do you truly & deeply value and why is it so ding-dang important to know?!? Think of values as your north star…your compass…your guide to decision-making and course-correcting. The ultimate in knowing yourself inside and out. That which brings joy, meaning, and fulfillment to your life. Pretty fucking important, amiright? That’s cool and all […]

Personal Values Assessment: 5 Steps to Discover What Makes You Tick

Love Your Damn Self

A funky black and white chair with a white pillow with yellow lettering that asks what are your core values


First things first – let’s talk about the elephant in the room ==> we live in an ageist society. And that sucks hairy donkey balls. But that doesn’t mean that each and every one of us reading this (including me) can’t do our part in changing the narrative. Will it take time? Yes. Is it […]

How to Thrive In Midlife & Stop Getting in Your Own Way

Who Do You WANT To Be?

Four delightful older women wearing funny sunglasses with a pink circle and the words Thrive & Get Out Of Your Own Way


The world feels a bit hell in a handbasket-ish at the moment but that doesn’t give you license to self-flagellate. Instead, it’s a time to show yourself the same loving kindness you would a hurting best friend, a scared child, or an aging parent who just got some devastating news. Research shows that practicing self-compassion […]

5 Self Compassion Activities to Help You Cut Yourself Some Slack

Who Do You WANT To Be?

Life Design Coach Jen Vertanen looking away from the camera holding a frog in her hand. There's a blue circle with the words Cut Yourself Some Slack


Before we get started, let’s define how we’re going to use the word “success” within the context of this post (and my work). I’m talking about success from the perspective that you are living and loving your rebelliously fulfilling life in spite of your economic or social status…in spite of your past…in spite of the […]

8 Ways Successful Women Think Differently (& How You Can Too)

Who Do You WANT To Be?

A lovely midlife woman resting her chin on her hand with a yellow circle and the words Successful Women Do Things Differently