Love Your Damn Self

From checking society’s boxes to rocking her Big Gay Overalls, Lisa Kirkman gets real about self-acceptance, coming out at 46, and living authentically. Learn how to stop protecting everyone else and start living YOUR best damn life

From Others’ Expectations to Living Authentically: Self-Acceptance & Coming Out Later In Life

Love Your Damn Self


The unseen burden of trying to juggle it all Life’s a whirlwind, yeah? Juggling the demands of a career, a never-ending to-do list, being a mom, taking care of aging parents because hello šŸ‘‹šŸ¼, sandwich generation, and everything in between. It’s…a lot. Add to that, the pressure to ā€˜have it allā€™ – a thriving career, […]

Self-Care Strategies for Busy Professionals

"Doing the Work"

Professional woman attending a virtual meeting with colleagues on a computer screen, promoting 'Self-Care Strategies for Busy Professionals' by Life Design Coach Jen Vertanen


Naming the things you love about yourself daily is a powerful practice that can boost your self-esteem and overall well-being. It’s a reminder to appreciate the unique qualities that make you who you are. And you? You deserve to celebrate your Favorite Self no matter what. But if I were to ask you to name […]

101 Things to Love & Appreciate About Yourself Daily

Love Your Damn Self

A super fun elderly woman with glasses and pink hat smiling and pointing at text 'Things to Love About Yourself Every Day' by Jen Vertanen Life Design Coach for women over 40


I know far too many women who are quietly unhappy in their lives. Who were sold a false bill of goods that said we could “have it all” but weren’t told the flip side…that we’d lose ourselves along the way. And it’s heartbreaking to me because it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s why […]

A Love Letter to the Woman Who Keeps Quiet Quitting On Herself

Love Your Damn Self

Jen Vertanen, a Life Design Coach, holding a frog. There's a yellow circle with the words A Love Letter To The Woman Quiet Quitting On Herself


If you have the time, space, and resources in your life, here are some ways you can start showing up for yourself and having your own back. Simple, not easy I said simple – not easy. But practice these (i.e. donā€™t set yourself up for failure thinking youā€™re going to knock this out of the […]

11 Simple Steps to Show Up for Yourself and Have Your Own Back

Love Your Damn Self

A beautiful midlife woman with brown hair in a blue hammock looking directly at the camera


What do you truly & deeply value and why is it so ding-dang important to know?!? Think of values as your north star…your compass…your guide to decision-making and course-correcting. The ultimate in knowing yourself inside and out. That which brings joy, meaning, and fulfillment to your life. Pretty fucking important, amiright? Thatā€™s cool and all […]

Personal Values Assessment: 5 Steps to Discover What Makes You Tick

Love Your Damn Self

A funky black and white chair with a white pillow with yellow lettering that asks what are your core values


The world feels a bit hell in a handbasket-ish at the moment but that doesn’t give you license to self-flagellate. Instead, it’s a time to show yourself the same loving kindness you would a hurting best friend, a scared child, or an aging parent who just got some devastating news. Research shows that practicing self-compassion […]

5 Self Compassion Activities to Help You Cut Yourself Some Slack

Who Do You WANT To Be?

Life Design Coach Jen Vertanen looking away from the camera holding a frog in her hand. There's a blue circle with the words Cut Yourself Some Slack


Before we get started, let’s define how we’re going to use the word “success” within the context of this post (and my work). I’m talking about success from the perspective that you are living and loving your rebelliously fulfilling life in spite of your economic or social status…in spite of your past…in spite of the […]

8 Ways Successful Women Think Differently (& How You Can Too)

Who Do You WANT To Be?

A lovely midlife woman resting her chin on her hand with a yellow circle and the words Successful Women Do Things Differently


“Just be yourself.” How many times have you heard this super annoying phrase uttered while growing up…in your career…from well-meaning people who had no idea what the hell was going on in that dick brain of yours? That’s all cool but no one taught us HOW to just be yourself. And if you’re anything like […]

How to Really Be Yourself and Not Apologize For It

Who Do You WANT To Be?

A very colorful and relaxed older woman smoking a cigar with her knee propped up and a blue circle with the words How To Really Be Yourself


A few weekends ago, I decided to clean up old notebooks (my ADHD brain has me using multiple notebooks to store ideas which is…fun…), and I came across this gem from a decade ago. I remember it perfectly. I had enrolled in one of the gazillion courses I’ve signed up for through the years and […]

A Love Letter of Sorts…Becoming the After Faster

Love Your Damn Self

A bunch of stick figures on a piece of paper trying to illustrate how Life Design Coach Jen Vertanen felt before and after her transformation. There's an orange circle with the words Becoming The After Faster


Start with Desire; How Do I Want to Feel? Start with Desire is the first S in the The SELF Approachā„¢ and a client favorite. I mean…who doesn’t want to live a life led by desire and possibility? Yes – even in midlife! Especially in midlife? I’m going with it. One of the tools we use […]

5 Actionable Steps for Unlocking Your Core Desired Feelings


A beautiful older woman in sunglasses and a hat carrying a cup of a coffee and a blue circle with the words What Are Your Core Desired Feelings?


The best way to prepare for death is to live life to its fullest. ~ John Bytheway No matter what’s transpired in your past or how old you are… ā‹™ What does it mean to live your best life? ā‹™ How do you ensure you live your life with purpose and intention? ā‹™ What does […]

How to Live Your Best Life: A Proven 4-Step Framework for Faster Success

Love Your Damn Self

How to live your best life with Life & Get Shit Done Coach Jen Vertanen