From checking society’s boxes to rocking her Big Gay Overalls, Lisa Kirkman gets real about self-acceptance, coming out at 46, and living authentically. Learn how to stop protecting everyone else and start living YOUR best damn life
Stop giving fucks about things that just don’t matter to YOU! Learn how to protect your energy, set boundaries, and live YOUR best damn life. A no-BS guide to becoming a fuck-giving connoisseur
✨ You Should Listen If… If you’re like 100% of people, shame has held you back or still is holding you back from living your best life in some way, shape, or form. Shame shows up as doubting ourselves, second-guessing our decisions, being vulnerable with others and asking for support when we can really really […]
✨ You Should Listen If… Ever feel like you’re too old, too gay, or too <insert your flavor of self-doubt here> to chase your dreams? Like your ship has sailed? You’ve been put out to pasture? Whatever lame metaphor you can think of? If so…this episode is going to light a fire under your ass […]
🎧 LISTEN IN TO LIVING YOUR BEST DAMN LIFE 🎧 Are you tired of cookie-cutter advice about “living your best life”? Sick of Instagram-perfect portrayals of success that make you feel like you’re falling short? It’s time for a reality check. Let’s talk about what living your best damn life is NOT, and more importantly, […]
🎧 LISTEN IN TO LIVING YOUR BEST DAMN LIFE 🎧 Are you tired of living the life you think you’re “supposed” to have instead of the one you actually want? Welcome to Living Your Best Damn Life One ‘Fuck Yeah I Did!’ At A Time, where we dive deep into what it means to be […]
🎧 LISTEN IN TO LIVING YOUR BEST DAMN LIFE 🎧 TURNING SOMEDAY DREAMS INTO REALITY Hey there, Bold AF’er! Ready to turn those “someday…maybe?” dreams into “Fuck yeah, I did!” realities? I thought so :). Welcome to “Living Your Best Damn Life One ‘Fuck Yeah I Did’ At A Time” – the podcast that’s about […]
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right. ~ Henry Ford Have you ever found yourself in a seemingly endless cycle of ‘what ifs’ (especially as you lay awake at night desperate for sleep) with a stack of mostly unread self-help books by your bedside collecting dust? The books you bought with […]
Are you feeling like you’re trudging through your days, stuck in a midlife funk? My friend, you are not alone! Not by a long shot. Many of us hit a point where life feels a bit more monotonous, a tad less colorful, and a whole lot of WTF-ness. In fact, research shows that we hit […]
Success is the progression of a worthy ideal. ~ Earl Nightingale How would you answer the question, “Are you successful?” which begs the question, “How do YOU define success and is your current definition helping or hurting you?”? Would someone on the outside looking in consider you to be an overall “successful” person? Maybe you […]
tl;dr With specificity, define your version of a fulfilling life Use this specificity to find ways to make your day-to-day life more fulfilling Live with intentionality, at least most days In no way am I going to pretend I have all the answers or that I have the answers for YOU…because I don’t. But what […]
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did. ~ Mark Twain Each of us leads a full life but…are you living a FULL life? That is the question and it’s an important one because life is too. damn. short. AMIRIGHT?! A life […]