✨ You Should Listen If… If you’re like gazillions of folks out there, you’re tired of chasing someone else’s version of success. And that? S.U.C.K.S. Is it time for you to redefine what success looks like for you and start living your best damn life? In this unfiltered episode of YOUR Best Damn Life, I […]
Connecting with your future self changes you. It changes your perspective, your mindset, what you spend your energy on, the decisions you make, and who you give your fucks to…it pretty much changes (or at least shifts) everything. It allows you to make better decisions in the moment or at the very least, helps you […]
Future self work is my jam. It’s my go-to for myself when I’m working through hard shit and it’s where I start each of my clients by creating a super detailed vision of their wisest, coolest, badassest 80-yo selves. Why? Because it helps us make better choices and take action NOW instead of wallowing around […]
The only way one can live a life full of fulfillment and deep contentment is to fully love oneself. ✨ The good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Warts and all. ✨ Even when you’ve been the asshole. ✨ Especially when you’ve acted out of integrity. And this is what scares people away from doing […]
The most powerful exercise I’ve ever done – the one that makes my transformational changes stick year after year – that’s fun and full of possibilities and hope – that I’ve centered my coaching around…is how to create your future self. Your Future Self Has the Answers Today You Needs Creating a vision of your […]
I certainly had this fear when at 45, with most likely over half my life behind me, I had decades under my belt feeling resentful, unfulfilled, bored, and on top of it all – ungrateful because my life was actually pretty fucking great (from the outside). Can we say “miserable cow” lol? I remember very […]
One of the tools I use often in both my coaching and my day job (software development project manager) is the concept of reverse engineering. The technical definition is the reproduction of another manufacturer’s product following detailed examination of its construction or composition but I like to think of it as deconstructing what you want […]
My 80-year-old self. My north star. My wisest mentor. I’ve worked hard to create a loving and productive relationship with her. She never leads me astray. She’s never unkind to me. She always guides me in the right direction. She is warm and loving and hilarious and feisty and loves to dance and sing and […]
First things first – let’s talk about the elephant in the room ==> we live in an ageist society. And that sucks hairy donkey balls. But that doesn’t mean that each and every one of us reading this (including me) can’t do our part in changing the narrative. Will it take time? Yes. Is it […]
The world feels a bit hell in a handbasket-ish at the moment but that doesn’t give you license to self-flagellate. Instead, it’s a time to show yourself the same loving kindness you would a hurting best friend, a scared child, or an aging parent who just got some devastating news. Research shows that practicing self-compassion […]
Before we get started, let’s define how we’re going to use the word “success” within the context of this post (and my work). I’m talking about success from the perspective that you are living and loving your rebelliously fulfilling life in spite of your economic or social status…in spite of your past…in spite of the […]
The future is literally a blank slate waiting to be written by you. And here’s a universal truth ==> You can’t do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. It’s simply 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 possible 👏🏼. You can’t go through the motions day in and day out and expect that magically, […]