Your whole entire being is sending up a flare. That restless energy you feel? It's not confusion - it's clarity wrapped in chaos telling you you're ready for more.
IN A WORLD FULL OF PEOPLE playing it safe, WE NEED PEOPLE LIKE US disrupting status quos & creating our own damn rules
Checking the boxes? Easy(ish).
Advancing in your career? Easy(ish).
Raising the kiddos? Mostly easy(ish) when they're not being little assholes.
Doesn't mean you haven't had to work hella hard to get where you absolutely have.
Competing priorities. Expectations from others. Roles & responsibilities and umpteen bazillion decisions to make let alone trying really damn hard not to let your partner become a stranger.
You have a comfortable life. and I both know you're not built merely to have a comfortable life.
Some people? Yes. You and me? No.
You have NO DOUBT you're here for more. You have NO DOUBT you have what it takes to make it happen.
What you DO question? How to fit it all in. Where to start and how to keep the momentum going. Will it actually give you what you think it will OR will it be a waste of effort? And this one hurts because you're not a people pleaser but also...what will people think?!?!?!
What "rules" are you going to break as you disrupt the status quo and be the woman who makes epic shit happen?
What will you dare yourself to do that others say you can't or <barf> shouldn't?
What will you create from a place of believing anything you want is damn near inevitable and YOU are the one to make it happen?
2015 was a convergence of fuckery in Jen-land which led to deciding I was DONE looking "happy" on the outside and feeling miserable on the inside.
All it took? Almost blowing up my entire world and support system before realizing the enormous mistake I was making at literally the 11th hour.
I wish I was being dramatic. Ask Mr. V. I am...not.
I'd tried every self-help trick in the book.
Therapy? Check. Workshops? Yup. Trips to India? Namaste, baby. Putting family into near financial ruin with all my escapes? Not proud of that one...
But nothing quite clicked until I realized, I needed to stop fixing myself & start creating instead.
Who do I want to be?
How do I want to feel?
What lights me on fire?
What brings me joy, even on a boring Tuesday?
Regardless of my past...what kind of future do I want?!
And that literally became my focus and priority over the years.
Now, I'm that charmingly awkward 50-something woman with pink hair, rocking ripped jeans and kimonos, who loves the hell out of herself and her life and gives two shits what others think of her.
I gotta tell ya...12/10 recommend.
I most likely live in a haunted home built in 1905 with Mr. V. and our 2 drooly newfs
I love to read poorly written smut. I said what I said...
I'm a triple fire sign, 6/2 (Role Model/Hermit) Manifesting Generator and that basically tells you everything you need to know about how I operate
I have a wicked aversion to pearl clutching, toxic positivity, woe is me-ness, and MAGA
I have three adult children, ADHD, Type 2 Diabetes, am pansexual & take my values (in footer) VERY SERIOUSLY
I'm unapologetically sweary, sparkly, full of self-love and possibility, and charmingly awkward and the right people LOVE all of me
I am ALL about dry reds and fun adventures which can look like ATV'ing through Montana or whitewater rafting in Bali or even checking out a new to me co-op
My fave people (ahem...clients) love to be examples of what's possible when you're able to get out of your own way
I love aging shamelessly. The older and more healed I get, the more my inner kiddo loves to come out and play, hence all the pink
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