“Doing the Work”

Are you a woman between the ages of 40 and 65? Do you ever find yourself asking or saying: ✨ Is this really all there ever is? I worked so hard all these years for….(gestures around in the air) this? ✨ I really should be more grateful…shouldn’t I? ✨ I just feel…meh. ✨ Why am […]

Are You Suffering From Restless Midlife Woman Syndrome?

"Doing the Work"

A clearly overwhelmed woman with a bunch of stickies on her face and her hands in the air with an orange circle and the words Are You On the Edge of Burnout?


A few weekends ago, I decided to clean up old notebooks (my ADHD brain has me using multiple notebooks to store ideas which is…fun…), and I came across this gem from a decade ago. I remember it perfectly. I had enrolled in one of the gazillion courses I’ve signed up for through the years and […]

A Love Letter of Sorts…Becoming the After Faster

Love Your Damn Self

A bunch of stick figures on a piece of paper trying to illustrate how Life Design Coach Jen Vertanen felt before and after her transformation. There's an orange circle with the words Becoming The After Faster


It’s a simple fact that none of us – NO ONE – makes it through life without carrying some form of emotional baggage + wounds. An article by Mayo Clinic points out, “Life does not exclude any of us from bearing some degree of heartache, loss, and suffering. But, if we carry each one of these scars with […]

6 Ways to Deal with Your Emotional Baggage and Live the Life You Really Want

How-To Live Your Best Damn Life

A woman standing in front of a corn field. You can't see her face because she's struggling to carry three suitcases. There's a yellow circle with the words Deal With Your Emotional Baggage


The best way to prepare for death is to live life to its fullest. ~ John Bytheway No matter what’s transpired in your past or how old you are… ⋙ What does it mean to live your best life? ⋙ How do you ensure you live your life with purpose and intention? ⋙ What does […]

How to Live Your Best Life: A Proven 4-Step Framework for Faster Success

Love Your Damn Self

How to live your best life with Life & Get Shit Done Coach Jen Vertanen


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