20-30ish minutes from now you can be turning up the volume on your life with this free workbook that helps you quickly dial in on YOUR vision of A Fuck Yeah life and actions you can start taking today

You'll also receive weekly-ish insights delivered to your inbox to help inspire, motivate, nudge, and give you a🦵🏼kick in the pants...all shared to help YOU live your unique vision of A Fuck Yeah Life and do epic shit as you bring your Big Ass Goals w/Soul (BAGS) to life. I'll sometimes share resources I'm loving, blog posts I've written, and ways we can work together (you get first dibs!)

Grab your FREE guide to START living YOUR Fuck Yeah Life!

[ə,ā fək ye līf]

(n.) A Fuck Yeah Life- To live a life that makes your whole self say, "Fuck yeah I did!" It is is one in which you decide to relentlessly pursue a life that has you excited to do it all over again tomorrow even if today was shitty because it’s all about who you become as you take action on your desires & dreams so that you can feel deep levels of joy, gratitude, meaning, fulfillment, connection, impact, aliveness, excitement at life's possibilities, <insert your core desired feelings>. It's not a perfect, best, or dream life but a life full of courage and experimentation and curiosity and failure and triumph and joy and tragedy and everything in-between

"This was SO GOOD!"

I actually had my husband do it too so we can be on the same page about what we want from our futures and support each other

"I feel so motivated to do my own work"

Your emails are always so helpful and inspiring. They make me feel excited about my future instead of more of the same old same old 

"I love reading your emails"

I don't know how you do it, Jen. You're both practical AND magical and I get so much out of your emails. You are def. making a difference in my life

"Incredible. I feel clearer"

I finally feel like I can move forward with my life and knowing what my priorities should be...it's all so much clearer now

Hey there! I'm Jen

I'm a magical mix of coach, perspective-shifting mentor, hair-holder, consultant, wing woman, get shit done'r, silver lining finder, & slightly annoying cheerleader

I used to roll my eyes at the notion of self love and loving my life because it felt so far outside the realm of possibilities when I'd spent decades...not.

But a perfect storm (my Never. Fucking. Again. moments) in 2015 had me wake TF up and heal my childhood ish. Along the way, I started to not only love but LIKE myself and I stopped wanting to escape from my life and instead, focusing on intentionally creating my exciting future. That's saying a lot when you read my stories!

And now? Living my Fuck Yeah Life looks like helping women all around the world fall in love with themselves & their lives, and create the future THEY want while living & loving the hell out of myself and my life.

How cool is that?!?

© 2024 Jen Vertanen & A Fuck Yeah Life