which  gives others permission to do the same

The world needs your unapologetic SELF & impacts NOW more than ever

I work with shes and theys to get out of their own way FAST and make epic shit happen while living their version of a best damn life because what I know beyond a shadow of a doubt?

the world needs us NOW more than fucking ever

And that means more of us doing something that doesn't come naturally and sometimes feels selfish but only because that's what society wants you to think


Permission to dream and act bigger

Permission to shine your light SO BRIGHT that it makes others uncomfortable but only because of the choices they've made in life

Permission to find your way of DOing and BEing even if others think it's "weird"

Permission to lead with your whole damn self

Permission to break the "rules" you KNOW in your bones are archaic and harmful and NEED to be broken

Doing this work for 30+ years means I've had a front row seat in seeing what holds many back and the consistent theme is giving yourself permission to be unapologetic, create your own rules, and find YOUR ways to make your visions and dreams and hairy scary goals comes true no matter what

Grab this playbook so you too can say, "Fuck yeah, I did!" as you live YOUR Best Damn Life

The world needs you now more than ever and it all starts with giving yourself permission to break cycles and light the path for others to do the same

Yours in rebellion,

I'm an expert with 30+ years helping:

  • Folks make their Best Damn Life inevitable (without burning out or white knucklin' it)

  • Brainwash you into deeply believing and trusting yourself as you fall more and more in love with yourself & your life

  • Teach people how to give themselves permission & get out of their own damn way forfinally to do the thing(s) they've always wanted to do

Hi! I'm Jen v.

make your Best Damn Life inevitable