...for overthinking perfectionists wanting to leave their unique mark on the world
Yes...yes you are.
And I say that with the conviction of a toddler who doesn't think they need a nap because you're here, reading these words, feeling hella inspired to take bold action.
You don't need more clarity. You don't need it to be the 'right' time. You don't need more inputs or Best Year Yet vision boards or pages of notes in your journal.
You need to trust yourself enough. You need to believe in yourself enough. You have to have enough courage.
You need to take the first actions without having a fully-baked plan. You need to step outside your comfort zone enough to take bold action.
And you need to have enough of a vision and enough of a plan that nervecites the hell out of you in ways work, mom'ing, etc. never quite have and the scrappy tenacity to make it happen.
AND you know there’s more inside you.
Sure, from the outside looking in, you’re successful. But... you’re absolutely wired for more.
More impact. More fulfillment. More meaning. More joy. MORE.
Let's address the elephant in the room though...
i want to make it damn near inevitable
My work—and this space—is dedicated to helping you move through overthinking, perfectionism, and hesitation so you can take bold, unapologetic action toward your biggest dreams.
It’s not about cookie-cutter advice or one-size-fits-all frameworks (CRINGE!). We don’t do flukes, fluff, or endless ‘someday’ talk around here. Transformation is about intentional action, building momentum, and creating real, tangible change in your life - without sacrificing your soul or let's be honest - sanity.
Through my BE. DARE. CREATE. framework, I give you the tools, insights, and compassionate kicks in the ass you need to stop waiting for clarity and start creating it.
I’m Jen Vertanen, a no-B.S., truth-telling Transformation Partner for high-achieving women who are done playing safe and ready to create a life & legacy that makes them say ‘FUCK yes!’ every single damn day
Step into the future you that already knows she can have it all
Do what others say you can’t—or worse, shouldn’t
Stop waiting and start believing that what you want is damn near inevitable and YOU are the only one to make it happen
My work is for women HUNGRY to roll up their sleeves
No more waiting. No more getting in your own way. You've reached the 'I can't NOT do this' phase & THAT? That's my zone of genius.
The corporate leader who isn't sure what's next but knows it's not helping a company sell more socks and diapers
The SAHM whose kids are becoming more and more independent and she wants to make sure she leaves the world a better place for other children too...not just her own
The business owner who wants to grow to the next level and give back even more to her community
The artist who wants to work with bigger brands while building a program for budding artists
The community leader who dreams of impacting on a global scale
The trailblazer who's ready to lay down the mantle and figure out her next adventure while also mentoring up and coming trailblazers
The retiree who feels like she's just getting started and is excited to mentor future leaders
The DV survivor and generational trauma cycle breaker with a powerful story to tell from stages and eventually, her book
ANY woman with a vision bigger than herself
Excited because you’re FINALLY taking action toward what you want
Confident you're on the right track because you trust yourself to make the bold moves
You won’t just THINK differently—you’ll BE different.
This is the end of ‘I don’t know...’ and the beginning of ‘Holy shit, I’m actually doing it.’
Project BE. DARE. CREATE. isn't a fluffy mindset program though we do work with your itty bitty shitty committee to see what's up and why it keeps wanting you to stay safe.
This is where mindset, bold action, and scrappy tenacity come together for a good time (wink, wink). This is rolling up your sleeves and taking gritty and determined action because you believe so deeply in what you're creating and clarity & confidence only come from action.
In 90 days you'll feel:
Free from the endless cycle of overthinking & self-doubt
Clear on where you’re going next (and already taking steps to get there)
I'm done waiting...i'm ready to get out of my own damn way!
A no-holds-barred, laugh-out-loud mix of expert interviews, unapologetic ass-kicking ACTION plans and raw, real-deal stories of my clients’ boldest transformations—to help you cut the B.S., stop overthinking, and start making the kind of bold moves that turn 'someday?' into 'HELL YEAH, I did !'
I'd had this dream for at least a decade and I'd go in fits and starts but never really made any traction which was FRUSTRATING! Jen helped me remember who TF I am (the confident leader who makes big decisions and takes bold actions), figure out what kept holding me back (hi middle school memories), and supported me in making my ideas come to life. What I didn't expect is how much fun I'd have along the way with reminders that only I can give myself permission, that I get to create the rules, and that I get to make it as big or as small as I want. Jen is this weird, magical blend of cheerleader, strategic partner, and hooker with a heart of gold who knows how to serve up tough love wrapped in kindness. I don't know how she does it but it all just works, lol.
Jen has this magical way of putting you at ease immediately. I could open up to her, be vulnerable, share my heart, and she never judged me or told me I was silly or that if I'd wanted it bad enough, I would have made it happen already.
I'm used to making big things happen but I was tired of getting in my own way over and over again and I didn't understand why. Within one session with Jen, we knew exactly why and what to do about it.
Jen calls me on my shit but also holds my vision for me and belief in me when self-doubt creeps in. I wish I'd reached out sooner...
REAL people. Real transformations.
Get my weekly-ish scandalous sweary & thought-provoking email to help you get out of your own damn way and make those hopes & dreams inevitable without overwhelm, burnout, white knucklin' it, or listening to your inner itty bitty shitty committee