your clear path forward starts here

break cycles. build your legacy.

your revolution starts withIN you

BE. the woman who  breaks the "rules" & disrupts status quo, making the pearl clutchers clutch even tighter

DARE. to be the rebellious force they never saw coming. Do exactly what they said you "couldn't" or "shouldn't" - and do it YOUR way

CREATE. epic,  meaningful shit that changes the whole damn game for yourself & others. Your vision, your rules, your legacy

I help

status quo-disrupting visionaries

turn their "someday" dreams into "holy shit, I did that" realities by OWNING their vision, taking decisive action, & building bone-deep belief that what they want is absolutely possible (and so much more)


Because you KNOW in your bones...

You're the cycle breaker they never saw coming

You're done watching "that's just how it is" wreak unholy havoc on another generation

Your ideas will create ripples long after you're gone

And that voice telling you to stay small, stay quiet, stay in your lane so others don't get uncomfortable with their mediocre choices?

It's time to kindly tell it to go to hell

because this isn't just about you

Yes, please! let's make it inevitable

your vision of a better world for yourself & others is needed now! more than ever

I'm a fellow cycle breaker and strategic partner with 30+ years experience helping everyone from a SAHM start a non-profit to a brick-and-mortar owner become a better boss and community leader to a woman rebuilding herself from the inside out and going on to create her legacy (hi...that one's me)

I know that deep self-belief & self-trust makes anything you want damn near inevitable so we start there as we work together to break your cycles and build your legacy

Be. Dare. Create.

I'm Jen Vertanen

i help women break cycles & build legacies

i'm ready to be. dare. create.

LISTEN IN to your best damn life

grab your ✨free✨ guide

Unfiltered. Unapologetic. Real. No B.S. but always loving with expert wisdom, personal stories, & practical how-tos shared to help YOU live your best damn life

Permission is KEY to getting out of your own way. Grab your FREE permission giving guide and START taking action today to begin your revolution of cycle breaking & legacy building

1:1 strategic partnership to help you powerfully break cycles and build your legacy. Our work extends WELL beyond our time together as you learn how to Be. Dare. Create. in YOUR ways

ways we can work together

let's make it damn near inevitable

it's time to be. dare. create what you most want to see in the world for yourself & Others

© 2025 Jen Vertanen Break cycles. Build your legacy. Be the revolution.

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Get the Cycle Breaker's Manifesto from Living Your Best Damn Life Ep. 1!

Grab your very own copy of The Cycle Breaker's Manifesto from Ep 1: Daring to Live Differently
  of Living Your Best Damn Life!