your best damn life

Living your best damn life isn't about playing safe and small and comfortable - it's about making waves while staying whole

It's the antithesis of waiting until you're "ready" (spoiler alert: you never will be) and squishing yourself into someone else's ideas of "productivity". It's about taking bold action even when scared shitless, while also honoring your nervous system because burnout isn't the price of fact, it gets you kicked out of the YBDL club


  • Toxic positivity & "high vibes only" bullshit
  • One-size-fits-all templates
  • Your MIL's opinions about her precious baby's life
  • Permission slips from anyone but yourself

  • Daily rebellion against playing small
  • Breaking cycles that no longer serve you
  • Staying committed to finding YOUR way of doing meaningful shit without becoming a productivity robot
  • Building unshakeable self-trust & belief
  • Creating change on your terms
  • Choosing growth over comfort no matter what

You can change the world by living the hell out of your own life first. I show you how to make it damn near inevitable because revolutionaries don't need permission to change the fucking world

You're not here for cute manifestation techniques or high-vibes-only bullshit. You're here because you've got a burning vision inside you – one that keeps you up at night and won't let you settle for "good enough"

Your Best Damn Life Is Closer Than You Think


...and it's not another Pinterest-pretty life hack because trust me, world-changing work is almost never "pretty" but I do know how to bring the fun and levity!

Using a culmination of my 30+ years experience & expertise, I help you get wherever you want to go faster because life's too damn short for someday...maybe?

It's time to turn your what ifs into "Holy shit I'm actually doing this?!?!?!". SHALL WE?

Start with YOUR definition of Best Damn Life - the version of you who's unapologetic, believes in yourself as fiercely as you believe in your best friends, and radiates "just fucking watch me" energy. Because when you take up that kind of space? That's when you change the whole damn game

Grab that vision living rent-free in your head - the one that makes your hands shake - and together, we'll turn it into reality through bold action, even when scared shitless. Because if it lights you up AND freaks you out? That's how you know it's worth fighting for

my strategic partnership & 30+ years of experience makes it damn near inevitable for you to be living your best damn life

This is where dreams become your "Holy shit, I did that!?" reality. CREATE a life you love the hell out of AND become the unstoppable force you were always meant to be. Because when you unleash your revolutionary power? That's when you change the whole damn game.

PROJECT: Be. Dare. Create.


thinking you don’t even know what you want (you do) or

thinking it’s not feasible (it is) or

wondering if you have what it takes (you absolutely do) or

who you want to be when you grow up (I even help you answer this)


your best damn life
project starts here



I wish I could hire Jen again but she did such a great job helping me figure my shit out and start living my life for ME that...I don't need to, lol.
~ B.D.

jen is refreshingly unapologetic and truly an expert helping you navigate the b.s., get out of your own way, and take action on your most important goals & dreams quickly ~ r.k.

Jen helped me get clear on what I actually wanted and quickly helped me go from feeling overwhelmed and full of self-doubt TO seeing the path forward and excited about my life again. I am so freaking grateful. ~ N.E.

What I love about working with Jen is she is seriously no B. S. AND super fun AND helped me feel safe getting outside my comfort zone AND helped me take massive action. ~ D.W.

HOLY HELL is that woman magic. just pure fucking magic. ~ J. U.

No matter if I've helped someone create a non-profit, go back to school to pursue their passion career, start a business, put their art out into the world, work on their marriage, heal from a shitty childhood, go after the promotion, divorce their spouse, rebuild themselves from the inside out, and everything in-between...

The foundational work remains the same

Get clear on what YOU actually want so you don't waste another moment of precious brain space and mental energy trying to figure it out and can instead, get to doing

 Create a realistic path to making it happen so you know exactly where to focus your efforts with heaping loads of confidence

Decide who you're in the process of becoming so you continue to build the belief that you ARE the person who prioritizes the quality and richness of their life

 Take intentional & purposeful action because you can't think your way to what you want

Bit by bit. Moment by moment. Decision by decision. Day by day. Imperfect action by imperfect action.

My approach

I combine my 3+ decades in strategic project management (my fancy title is Director of Strategic Priorities) delivering multi-million dollar projects...

...with my decades+ coaching folks to bring their visions to life. I call them Revolutionary Difference Makers and the world needs more of us (esp. after 11-5-24 amiright?!?!?!)

My approach is decidedly future focused. Yes - the past is absolutely, hella important and informs why we do (or don't do) things today which gives us wonderful data but I believe that at any given moment, we can be intentional and make a different choice and that is what I bring into my coaching - awareness, intention, celebration, forward movement, creating vs. fixing, self-belief, gumption, resilience, curiosity, experimentation, play, laughing at life's sometimes fuckedupedness, and getting shit done

I could tell you about all my wonderful and not so wonderful qualities but instead, I leave you with this from a dear client...

"Working with Jen feels like coming home at the end of a long day, whipping off your bra & getting into your pjs, sinking down into a comfy chair with your cozy blanket and a glass of red, and taking the deepest breath you've taken all day...and then she drops an innuendo that has you laughing your ass off...."

My clients aren't just clients for the duration we work together. They're people I root for and deeply believe in the rest of my life

this is what i've been looking for

Logistically, we meet over Google Meet (I go back and forth between that and Zoom so that may have changed) and you receive a recording after each call so you can be fully present and not have to worry about taking notes.

With each session, you'll:

Leave with a clear understanding of your next steps including anything that might help you - resources, exercises, etc. You are always in choice on what actions you choose or choose not to make

Oftentimes we'll laugh. Sometimes we'll cry. And sometimes we'll do all of the above with maybe a snort thrown in for good measure

I will always bring my special secret sauce mixture of qualities that help people feel safe (though you're ultimately the one who deems me safe), heard, understood, and respected. I am non-judgmental, will never have my own agenda for you, will not blow smoke up your ass, and will always keep it bullshit-free

Possibly have a different experience than other sessions because each one truly is unique and meant to  meet you exactly where you are and with exactly what you need at that moment

Be encouraged to celebrate the hell out of yourself no matter what until it becomes second-nature. Having your own back is so important and not something we're taught so you're going to have plenty of opportunity to practice!

what to expect

Hi! I'm jen

Rebel. Disruptor. Mentor. Change-Maker. mama to the Eldest Daughter of the Eldest Daughter of the Eldest Daughter of the eldest daughter. Coach. Consultant. F-Bomb Droppin' Cheerleader. Strategic Partner.


Living Your Best Damn Life is an inside out job which means your relationship with yourself is the most important one so we always focus there first before going outwards

No one else gets to say what your unique version of Your Best Damn Life looks like, feels like, sounds like, etc. OR how it fits into your existing life and responsibilities

Who you become along the way is infinitely more important than some mythical final destination

Feelings > action. It's so much less about what you do and so much more about how you feel as you're showing up day to day living your life

Your past does not have to dictate your future because you have a choice each and every moment you're alive. Who you've been has gotten you to where you are now and that in and of itself, is extraordinary. Who you're becoming is just another stunning iteration

Your dreams and desires are on the other side of doing some things differently than you've done in the past and instead of letting this scare you, you excitedly use it to propel you forward

Progress over perfection. Life is going to's how you keep going that defines who you're choosing to be

Life never needs to be "just so" for you to feel deep levels of fulfillment, contentment, joy, meaning, purpose, etc. You are a nuanced creature capable of holding a multitude of feelings, experiences, and truths no matter how sucky or joyful, mundane or exhilarating

Each of us has a sacred responsibility to improve the world for younger & older generations

I have 30+ years experience helping folks make their visions & dreams a reality - from Fortune 50 behemoths to scrappy start-ups to people just like you - all with a strong desire to make a tangible difference in the world no matter how big or small

my promise to you

I promise to treat you like the grown ass, amazing human you are and always show you respect, compassion and kindness. I'm here to walk alongside you (sometimes with a titch of tough-love because're a grown ass person and sometimes we need that), inviting you to experiment and find your way to living your own unique version of living your best damn life

I will always be honest with you which means I will never, ever pretend to have all of my shit figured out or sugar-coat what it's taken me to do the work, and continue to do the work, to live my unique version of my best damn life

I also will never tell you exactly what to do because your life and experiences are different than mine. What you want is different than me. What brings you joy and happiness and fulfillment is different from me. We each get to have our own journey in life

But...I am a mentor and guide deep in my blood & bones and will freely share my life lessons, wisdom, failures, and experiences. I invite you to take what resonates and say a ginormous, "Hell no" to what doesn't

Ready to turn that burning vision into reality?

Get started with a Make It Inevitable Deep Dive

Hell yeah, lfg!

© 2025 Jen Vertanen Break cycles. Build your legacy. Be the revolution.

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Get the Cycle Breaker's Manifesto from Living Your Best Damn Life Ep. 1!

Grab your very own copy of The Cycle Breaker's Manifesto from Ep 1: Daring to Live Differently
  of Living Your Best Damn Life!