You are literally ONE decision away from making your visions inevitable and living YOUR unique version of a Best Damn Life. Is today the day?
ready to go from life's "good" to hell yeah I love my life WITHOUT BURNING IT ALL DOWN?
I wish I could hire Jen again but she did such a great job helping me figure my shit out and start living my life for ME that...I don't need to, lol.
~ B.D.
jen is refreshingly unapologetic and truly an expert helping you navigate the b.s., get out of your own way, and take action on your most important goals & dreams quickly ~ r.k.
Jen helped me get clear on what I actually wanted and quickly helped me go from feeling overwhelmed and full of self-doubt TO seeing the path forward and excited about my life again. I am so freaking grateful. ~ N.E.
What I love about working with Jen is she is seriously no B. S. AND super fun AND helped me feel safe getting outside my comfort zone AND helped me take massive action. ~ D.W.
HOLY HELL is that woman magic. just pure fucking magic. ~ J. U.
And we do it all as i work my wily brainwashing magic to make you practice kindness, compassion, and patience with yourself because if the other way would have by now #motherlovintruth
(trust me...I tried)
I TEACH you how to do what I do BEST
If you feel like you've lost yourself...I help you find yourself and become more unapologetically YOU than E.V.E.R. before
If you have big things you want to accomplish like write a book, start a non-profit, change careers, get divorced, feel better living your life, start a business, etc...I help you get clarity, make plans, find solutions, and have confidence as you achieve them
If you know there's something "more" for you but you're not quite sure what...I help you create a crystal clear vision that excites the hell out of you and then make it happen
If you find yourself at a crossroads and are beyond frustrated because you feel stuck and overwhelmed by choice so you stay frozen in indecision...I help you make A choice and take intentional, aligned action as you build confidence that you can pivot if it turns out not quite as you expected
If you're feeling dissatisfied, unfulfilled, checked out, and ready to stop settling for less than you know you deserve...I help you define what living your best life means for you as you give yourself permission (i.e. empower yourself), take intentional action, and become so much happier living your life
My expertise and life experiences (pregnant at 19, advancing in my career, divorced by 28, remarried at 31, healing childhood traumas starting at 45, to finally loving the hell out of myself & my life in my 50s) means I can work with folks in all stages of life and besides undertaking my own healing, this is the most transformational and impactful work I've ever done
I get what it feels like investing in yourself - throw-uppy, nervecited, terrifying, inner critic gets loud AF
i want this!
I'd love to help you make YOUR Best Damn Life a reality
clarity & vision
I guide you through specific exercises to get clear on your vision of A Best Damn Life, visions, values, and priorities so you're making aligned decisions that support what you want and need in life
mindset & deep self-belief
We work on anything & everything getting in your way. Fear, mindset, limiting beliefs, patterns, understanding the role society has played in all of it so you can stop beating yourself up already
strategy & LOADS OF ACTION
We quickly build forward momentum with unique strategies and actions that partner with your brain so you can manage fear, stress & overwhelm as you make progress on your difference making dreams
Having the right person in your back pocket supporting you as you're taking action makes all the difference in the world. Work with me and you are never left hanging with support in-between calls
becoming the PERSON who...
Love the powerful energy you're stepping into as you unapologetically give yourself permission to own your vision & dreams
Permission is just as important as your vision!
Learn individualized tools and techniques that help you know how to always orient yourself back to operating from a place of empowerment when life lifes. Make living your Best Damn Life INEVITABLE
we'll make magic if you...
Know there's more for you than checking the boxes but you're just kind of burnt out trying to make it happen on your own and are ready to wave the white flag and ask for expert guidance & support
Absolutely know you have what it takes and are ready to get out of your own damn way
Are ready to really dig deep and figure out a) what you truly want from life (i.e. not someone else's dream) and b) what's getting in your way from that today so you can stop that shit already
Feel excited to take inspired & intentional action
Love getting curious, experimenting, and believe imperfect action is greater than getting it "right"
Value perseverance, determination, and grittiness coupled with heaping doses of self-kindness and compassion
Have a good sense of humor and don't get offended easily (I have the sense of humor of a 12-yo boy so...)
Jen has a magical way of getting right into the crevasse of an issue and lovingly helps you crack it wide open in order for you to let it properly heal.
Ready to turn that burning vision into reality?
Get started with a Make It Inevitable Deep Dive
Hell yeah, lfg!
© 2025 Jen Vertanen Break cycles. Build your legacy. Be the revolution.
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