Just you & me on a 6-mo. adventure to make your Fuck Yeah Life a reality

⚠️ Warning: Combine my infectious belief in you with my decades in project management and you can't help but take courageous action towards living your Fuck Yeah Life so buckle up! ⚠️

live a life that makes your soul say, "Fuck yeah I did!"

A Fuck Yeah Life is a 6-mo 1:1 transformational program for women who unapologetically want what they want and are ready to take action to make it happen because life is too damn short

Go all in on being the woman who takes her dreams and desires seriously no matter what

Bring them to life through intentional + purposeful action

Astonish yourself by the unapologetic woman you become as you create and live your Fuck Yeah Life

[ə,ā fək ye līf]

(n.) A Fuck Yeah Life- To live a life that makes your whole self say, "Fuck yeah I did!" It is is one in which you decide to relentlessly pursue a life that has you excited to do it all over again tomorrow even if today was shitty because it’s all about who you become as you take action on your desires & dreams so that you can feel deep levels of joy, gratitude, meaning, fulfillment, connection, impact, aliveness, excitement at life's possibilities, <insert your core desired feelings>. It's not a perfect, best, or dream life but a life full of courage and experimentation and curiosity and failure and triumph and joy and tragedy and everything in-between

It's as simple & as hard at that which is why you should have support!

this is perfect for the woman who...

Has big ideas and even bigger dreams and cannot wait to bring them to life or...

Isn't sure exactly what she wants but is ready to go all in to find out and make it happen or...

Feels ready to shed old stories, old beliefs, old patterns, old wounds and instead be excited by the endless possibilities and opportunities yet to come or...

Considers herself high-achieving and mostly has her shit together (at least that's what others think lol!) but...also knows there's something bigger...something more for her or...

Craves support (even though she's always the strong, stubborn one in the bunch) and is ready to get shit done or...

Is nervecited at the prospect of living A Fuck Yeah Life but is all in on making it happen for her or...

Doesn't want to reach her 80s and 90s without fascinating stories to share about the richness of the life she's lived or...

Secretly wonders if she needs to burn it all down which isn't what she really wants but...what are her options? or...


yes please

#toughlove Time is going to pass regardless if you're living & loving the hell out of yourself and your life...or not

Not everyone is cut out for this work but YOU get to decide if you're the woman who takes bold action to live her Fuck Yeah Life

Going back to school for the career you've always wanted instead of the one you thought you should have but literally makes you want to poke your eyeballs out?

Writing the novel you can't stop creating characters for in your head even if no one else reads it?

Having the adventure of a lifetime as you retire to the mountains of Ecuador only to finally find YOUR people as you quickly shed 50 lbs. with all the walking you do through city squares full of vibrant, rich culture like you've never experienced before?

Being the woman who's up for anything whether that's learning a new instrument, taking a trapeze class, slinging clay on the pottery wheel, scuba diving in Bali, organizing a retreat, or all of the above because she's a grown-ass woman who prioritizes new experiences & loving her life?

Starting the non-profit that's been on your heart since forever and being a leader in your local community as you do good, important work alongside others who care deeply too?

Becoming a mentor for single moms because you once were a single mom without a lot of support and you know how hella lonely that can be?

Surrounding yourself with deeply rich and meaningful relationships...your ride or dies...that make you laugh so hard you almost pass out and hold you when you cry without judging the reasons why you're crying?

Bringing your full self to how you mom / wife / partner / sister / daughter / friend / leader / whatever else roles you play and seeing your most important relationships thrive...including the most important one of all...your relationship with yourself?

Filling your days with meaning & purpose as you make those long held dreams a reality (like finally putting your art out there?)...the ones you've squashed down as you did all that adult-y stuff?

Riding the waves as a small business owner as you build your team, become the boss you've dreamed of, and create your legacy?

High-fiving yourself while you yell, "Fuck yeah, I did!" as you bust through what you used to think wasn't meant for you time and time again?

what becomes possible when you deeply believe in yourself & unapologetically own what you want?

Your hard won wisdom. Your Never. Fucking. Again. moments. Your desire to leave the world a better place.

I help you design your own, unique version of A Fuck Yeah Life that is boldly & unapologetically YOU and then go after it one courageously tiny or bold action at a time

This is all epic shit my clients have done except Ecuador...that was my mom. I def. get my love of adventure from her!


Life Doesn't wait Spend your Fucks Wisely & Live Your life unapologetically

You can't fully regret-proof your life but you sure as hell can try

Regardless where you're starting, 

...whether it's a deep knowing of how you want your Fuck Yeah Life to look and feel...what dreams and other epic shit you're ready to make a reality


...have no idea what you even want other than...more


...somewhere in-between

our 6-mos together is full of perspective shifts and 'becoming the woman who' as you take action on your vision because action is the only way we uncover hidden fears, unhelpful patterns, lack of confidence and clarity and anything else holding you back from fully embracing stepping into the version of you who lives her Fuck Yeah Life.

The first step is always helping you with clarity so you can audaciously name and nervecitedly claim what it is you want from and for your life...at least in this next chapter.

(Don't worry....I have my wily & fun ways to bring this out of you using my Fuck Yeah Approach™)

And then together, we roll up our sleeves, plot and plan how to make it happen and who you want to become along the way.

You are squarely in the driver's seat which means you decide the actions you take...big, small, bold, scary, boring, slow, fast, safe...and what to change and/or create in your world OR leave the same.

I'll know when to...

...nudge you forward (you decide how hard)
...give you a helping hand to get to the other side
...walk right alongside you - reminding you that you're not alone on an island and I wholeheartedly believe in you
...give you encouraging words in a non-blowing smoke up your ass way and funny memes
...help you learn how to celebrate the hell out of yourself no matter how big or small the action

our work together

If you show up and do the work, I promise you will come away with an infinitely deeper understanding of who you are as a person and what you need to thrive and how, new tools and perspectives, new ways to navigate hard shit, and new ways of being as you move about the world that will stay with you LONG after our work together.

And most likely?

(though I can't guarantee it because I don't have that kind of magical power or control though I wish I did...)

You will be well on your way - if not there already - to living & loving the hell out of yourself and your life as you continue to take action making your dreams a reality.

Hey there! I'm Jen

I'm a magical mix of coach, perspective-shifting mentor, hair-holder, consultant, wing woman, get shit done'r, silver lining finder, & slightly annoying cheerleader

I used to roll my eyes at the notion of self love and loving my life because it felt so far outside the realm of possibilities when I'd spent decades...not.

But a perfect storm (my Never. Fucking. Again. moments) in 2015 had me wake TF up and heal my childhood ish. Along the way, I started to not only love but LIKE myself and I stopped wanting to escape from my life and instead, focusing on intentionally creating my exciting future. That's saying a lot when you read my stories!

And now? Living my Fuck Yeah Life looks like helping women all around the world fall in love with themselves & their lives, and create the future THEY want while living & loving the hell out of myself and my life.

How cool is that?!?

18 x 60-minute coaching sessions (3/month) guided by my Fuck Yeah Approach™ full of deep inquiry, cultivating self-belief, custom resources, and actions to start taking so you can build momentum quickly!

M-F access to Telegram for any thoughts, feelings, or questions between sessions so you get tailored support and what to do next within 24 hours. Funny memes totally optional but often appreciated

Recordings of each session so you can be fully present and focused instead of worrying about getting it all committed to memory

Personalized exercises and resources that partner with your brain and unique desires and circumstances

PLUS Access to any programs, trainings, workshops, or digital products I create for one year


How it all goes down

pay in full

Receive 2 free Oh Shit sessions to use whenever life decides to life


6-mo payment plan

let's do this!

6 monthly payments with no penalty because mama don't believe in that shit

Looking for a different payment option? Let's talk about it!


we'll make magic if you...

Know there's more for you than checking the boxes but you're just kind of burnt out and ready to wave the white flag and ask for guidance & support

Are ready to really dig deep and figure out a) what you truly want from life (i.e. not someone else's dream) and b) what's getting in your way from that today

Feel excited to take inspired & intentional action

Love getting curious, experimenting, and believe imperfect action is greater than getting it "right"

Value perseverance, determination, and grittiness coupled with heaping doses of self-kindness and compassion

Have a good sense of humor and don't get offended easily (I have the sense of humor of a 12-yo boy so...)

Not ready to jump in quite yet?

Have questions? Need to talk things out? Have something slightly different in mind and would LOVE to still work together?

No worries! I get it...this is a big deal!!!!

Let's hop on a quick (free) call and see how things feel...make sure we jive and I'm the absolute best person for you to partner with.

Let's chat

Thank you for showing me the mirror and allowing me to finally see and acknowledge the fear that I have been living with. This fear has been so deep that it is literally preventing me from moving forward. It is because of your warmth, kindness, and ability to “go there” with me. You held me in such a safe space that I was able to finally see myself and know that I was going to be okay. You have an incredible gift.


"Working with Jen feels like coming home at the end of a long day, whipping off your bra & getting into your pjs, sinking down into a comfy chair with your cozy blanket and a glass of red, and taking the deepest breath you've taken all day...and then she drops an innuendo that has you laughing your ass off...."

Jen has a magical way of getting right into the crevasse of an issue and lovingly helps you crack it wide open in order for you to let it properly heal. 


Working with Jen has given me clarity and courage around accepting my true self and the values of connection. Any time I got off a call with her I felt refreshed and clear-headed. She always held a safe place for me to clear my mind while also asking powerful questions to help me see things from a new perspective. She helped me realize I’m never really alone.


"I would work with Jen again and again and again. I don't need to anymore but I kind of wish I did..."

Got ???s? 

Do you offer payment plans?

Cool cool!

Send an email to jen@jenvertanen.com or better yet, let's connect quick!

I sure do! I offer cash-flow friendly payment plans at no additional cost to you.

I actually do! I'm an odd duck in that I also have a day job I absolutely love so I happily dedicate myself to doing both. It's part of how I live my Fuck Yeah Life.

If you're anything like I was - I was spending the money anyway trying to fill the holes so to speak. Now I may have too many nude lipsticks (as if!) but I don't have a life I want to escape from.

All the things you're doing to fill the holes you feel inside? It feels good in the moment and then fades.

What I'm talking about is lasting transformation that impacts the remaining entirety of your life. How do you put a price tag on that?

I'm not going to guilt or shame you into coaching but I want you to think...how much is living and loving your life worth? How much is NOT living and loving your life costing you?

That's priceless. If you are a resourced woman (time, money, etc.) I invite you to at least have a quick convo with me to see if it's a good time and right fit.

I feel like it's time for a little tough love.

It's not good, bad, right, or wrong if this is your question so let's put those self-judgy pants away.


If you've been reading my site and following me on insta or facebook and your heart keeps coming back to this work AND you have this question?

That tells me all I need to know. Your life if full but is it FULL of all the things that make you YOU? That make you come alive? That provide you joy and fulfillment, and excitement, and enthusiasm?

Because that shit is priceless and so worth taking some time to put yourself first for a hot minute.

Tell them. Share with them why this is so important to you and why now is the right time.

"I want to be the best possible version of myself for you, the kiddos, and myself. I want to wake up in the morning excited to do it all over again. I want to feel energized, vibrant, ALIVE! and that means spending time just for me and NOT feeling selfish or guilty about it.

I know you love and support me and want the best for me too and this is it."

Let your heart do the talking here. Be open, vulnerable, honest, and kind. 

You can't control the other person(s) - you can only represent yourself and your needs.

What's it like working with you?

Who is this best for?

If you've read my About page, you know I'm warm, funny, sarcastic, irreverent, and relatable. I'm also super safe, non-judgmental, and not afraid to lovingly call you on your b.s. that's holding you back.

I'll keep your secrets, hold you to a high standard, see the potential in you and work to draw it out and will cheer you on almost embarrassingly so.

My job is to ask the hard, powerful questions, offer perspective, uncover your blind spots and give you space to explore and get curious. I will offer supportive tools in our sessions to help you bust through any lingering blocks that are keeping you stuck.

This is best for the woman who is a go-getter, action-taker, magic-maker, get-shit-doner who 'has it all' but goes to bed feeling kind of stuck, bored, unsatisfied, unfulfilled, restless, and knowing there's more to life.

She knows she is meant for more and is DONE feeling guilty about it and is instead, ready to take the bull by the horns and ride that sucker until she's living a live that lights her up, turns her on, and has her going to bed each night thinking, "I can't wait to do that again tomorrow.".

She might not be sure what that 'more' is but that's exactly why this is the right time, right package.

I want to do it but I'm worried what my hubby / partner / wife / bff / mom will say...

My life is pretty full...do I really have time for this?

It's a lot of money and I've never spent that much on myself...

Do you have night and / or weekend hours?

I have a different question...

Excellent question! I have a whole page dedicated to this but in a nutshell:

You are a whole, complex being and what's impacting you in one area is most likely showing up in other areas so we're going to dive into that.

I don't believe we're ever done growing or there's some magical destination we can reach someday but instead, enjoying the hell out of ourselves and who we're becoming as we move through life - the ups, downs, and everything in-between.

A Fuck Yeah Life is far from a perfect or ideal or dream or best life. We can't entirely control all our circumstances but that also doesn't mean we have to give up on our dreams either.

My approach is both art + science, strategic + tactical, meet you where you're at + lovingly challenge you, realistic + aspirational, logic + emotion, serious + playful...all with heaping loads of compassion, kindness, and a little tough love because balance.

What's your philosophy & approach?

Do you coach people like me? Am I too old/young?

I've mentored & coached women of all ages and backgrounds with everything as diverse as "I just want to feel better" to "I want to take over the world". Ok - maybe not that because that's eglomaniac and I work with large egos (incl. mine) but not that large!

I've found that if you want to be coached by me and nod your head emphatically with my approach and way of being, I'm able to coach you effectively & efficiently no matter how far apart we are in age or circumstances.

Looking for a different payment option? Let's talk about it!


pay in full

Receive 2 free Oh Shit sessions to use whenever life decides to life


6-mo payment plan

let's do this!

6 monthly payments with no penalty because mama don't believe in that shit


© 2024 Jen Vertanen & A Fuck Yeah Life